The liberal/conservative controversy---my answer to comments from a conservative
(Revised from the original of 2020 in January, 2022)
This message is in response to comments by an unknown person and posted on Facebook by A. P. Please know that I respond without the slightest feeling of malice toward the originator or to the source of this material. It does seem to me, that there is room for a “rebuttal” to much of what was said, so here it is. Her original statements are in red. My response is in black.
Howard Meharg
I used to think I was pretty much just a regular person, but I was born white into a two parent household which now labels me as "Privileged", racist and responsible for slavery.
Yes, we share the fact that we were born white into a two-parent household. And yes, you REALLY should acknowledge that this places us in a privileged position; but this doesn’t make you a racist, nor does it make you responsible for slavery. On the other hand, if your ancestors were from Alabama dating back to at least 1750 (as mine were), it’s quite possible they held slaves or certainly condoned the concept of slavery. That was, indeed, the norm for almost all southern white people of the era. The repugnant concept of slavery and the notion that whites were somehow better than blacks was born in this societal norm. The unfortunate part of it is that this societal norm, even unconsciously, for most whites, is still in effect. The author of this “treatise” as well as those who disseminate it need to acknowledge a need to examine this “privileged” concept.
I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today's standards, makes me a fascist because I plan & budget. But I now find out that I am not here because I earned it, but because I was "advantaged”.
Being a fiscal and moral conservative (whatever that means) does not make you a fascist. Because you plan and budget doesn’t make you a fascist. That is without a doubt a huge overstatement and has a tinge of “you’re hurting my feelings” about it. You probably did earn it. On the other hand, if you look at it all with an open mind you must admit that being white made it easier for you. Truthful stories abound telling us that discrimination has existed for a very long time when it comes to getting jobs. The very concept of “affirmative action” (of a good many years ago) was an attempt to even the playing field for people of color. This, in itself is proof of the fact whites had an advantage.
I am heterosexual, which according to some folks, now makes me a homophobe. I believe the Lord did not give me a heart to judge others.
How does your being a heterosexual automatically make you a homophobe? That's not the way it works! If the Lord gave you a heart not to judge others, wonderful. You should be and no doubt will be judged a homophobe only by your own words and actions.
I am not a Muslim, which now labels me as an infidel.
The Muslim faith has its share of “true” believers…super conservative members of that faith who would, in fact, label anyone not of the faith as “infidel.” Get over it. I might add that the Christian faith has a good many super conservatives who label anyone "not one of them" as sinners and people bound for hell.
I believe in the 2nd Amendment, which makes me a threat to the liberals and I get labeled as being part of a militia.
I seriously doubt that “the liberals” are labeling you as a part of a militia because of your second amendment beliefs. People (liberal as well as many conservatives) believe that automatic weapons…weapons of war…are totally ridiculous when in the hands of non-military folks. Even Barack Obama made it clear he wasn’t trying to “take guns from people,” but rather regulate them, just as we ask regarding driver’s licenses so that…first automatic rifles are banned, and then find a way to control the sale of guns to the mentally ill and others who have no business near a gun. It seems obvious to many that since America has a hugely higher percentage of gun deaths per capita than any nation on earth, that we need to find a method of keeping tabs on who has them.
I am older than 40, making me a useless person with outdated ideas and values.
That’s kind of a “feeling sorry for yourself” sounding statement. I’m 82. I don’t feel useless, nor do I feel my ideas and values are outdated. So…I’m thinking that’s a silly statement to make! By the way, young people have always tended to denigrate the older folks. I think it was Aristotle who lamented this in his writings…and that was well over 2000 years ago!
I think and I reason, and I doubt much of what the "main stream" media tells me, which makes me a "Right-wing conspiracy nut”.
So, who do you get your news from? Do you fact check what you’re hearing or reading? If you think and reason, do it. None of us should simply accept as truth a statement just because it jibes with our cherished beliefs. We do have a responsibility to verify rather than "grab" it as true simply because it jibes with our own views.
I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive American culture, making me a xenophobe.
Webster’s definition of “xenophobe” is: “one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin.” I find no quarrel with the first part of your statement. You probably have every reason to be proud of your heritage and an inclusive American culture. Certainly there is a richness to this society that comes from our being inclusive. I doubt there is a nation on earth made up of people more of "foreign origins" than the people of this country.
I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individual's merits, which today makes me a target of socialists and Antifa.
You keep coming back to the idea that you’re a target! No one argues with hard work, fair play, fair compensation. I suspect you need to examine the meaning of the word “Antifa,” however. The label has been misused and may mean, in the minds of some people, something untrue. Examine it. “Anti” means against. “Fa” means Fascist. If you’re not against Fascism, I worry about you. We fought a major war (WWII) against this.
I believe our system guarantees freedom of effort - not freedom of outcome or subsidies which must make me a borderline sociopath.
First, let’s deal with the word “sociopath.” A “sociopath” is a term used to describe someone who has antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). People with ASPD can’t understand others’ feelings. They’ll often break rules or make impulsive decisions without feeling guilty for the harm they cause. I don’t think this word as you’ve used it means what you are trying to say. If you want to talk about “subsidies,” consider the huge tax breaks given big business (no longer paying a fair share of the taxes levied in this country) or even lately the enormous amount money allocated for corporations that are kind to the Trump administration under the guise of promoting coronavirus economic stimulus.
I believe in a strong defense and protection of America for and by all citizens, now making me a militant.
Yes, I suppose it does make you a militant, in a way. On the other hand, do take a look at a pie chart showing how your tax dollars are used. A huge portion of the pie (a hugely great percentage of and more than the economy of any other country on earth) goes to our military. And the waste is horrendous. Taking a look at this as part of the budget doesn’t make anyone less of a patriot. It just seems smart to do so.
I am proud of our flag, what it stands for and the many who died to let it fly, so I stand and salute during our National Anthem - so I must be a racist. I kneel only for The Cross, which makes me racist.
I fly the flag, too…and all the rest. How does that make either one of us a racist. Surely you must see that athletes kneeling when the national anthem is played at a game are simply showing a form of protest for
inequities…some of those inequities having lasted over 200 years.
I think the Confederate monuments around our country symbolize history, so I'm labeled as having hate in my heart when some suddenly are offended by their presence.
If you can’t see how some of these statues and monuments symbolize something sinister and not simply history, then all is lost. The confederacy lasted for only four or five years. Why, for example, should a general of that army that fought to maintain slavery as a way of life, be honored by a monument of any kind? In a special historical museum…maybe, but not for public adulation. This is not a “suddenly” thing. Most of these statues were erected during the “Jim Crow” days as a reminder to blacks of the Confederacy and of white superiority. They weren’t put up as historical monuments, though some from the south would argue that.
I'm labeled racist when thinking the erasing of history will potentially cause us to repeat the problems. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF BECAUSE NO ONE LISTENS THE FIRST TIME.
No comment on this one, for it doesn’t make sense. Although you may be right about “no one listening the first time.”
I think that all lives matter, which labels me as a racist.
All lives do matter. Saying the phrase “black lives matter” does not negate that at all. “Black Lives Matter” is a phrase that calls attention to the inequities that black people have lived with. You are not a racist because you believe all lives matter! Why do you keep saying that? Are you worried that you are, in fact, a racist?
I think the riots and destruction of property around our country are wrong and are just an excuse to push a political agenda, so I'm labeled a racist.
Yep, I think riots and destruction of property is absolutely WRONG. Those breaking the law by looting, etc., should be punished. I suppose I’m with you to some extent in that I believe such events become easy excuses for those with the motive to steal or loot. Protests are another matter. I don’t know exactly what “political agenda” you’re talking about. So, again…you’re only racist if your words and/or your actions establish that.
I support our cops, in general, which labels me as a racist.
Yes, so do I. I’ve known personally a good many cops. Even worked as a volunteer dispatcher for a while. The people I knew were honest and sincerely believed they were there to serve the public. By far most of those today are the same. It does not make you a racist to be a supporter of the police. And it doesn’t make you a police hater for wanting police departments to weed out incompetent or sadistic officers.
I question how fear is being used to control us during the COVID-19 pandemic and think the crisis is being used for political gain, so I'm labeled careless and non-sympathetic.
Are you careless and non-sympathetic? What political gain? Whose political gain? Do you think the pandemic is a hoax? Are you anti-vax because you feel the "government" is trying to control you? If that is the case, then you are "careless and non-sympathetic."
Liberals have tried to make me feel bad about who I am! Based on everything above, some want me to believe I am a bad person; I'm not, I'm a good person who loves my God, my family and my country.
Who wants you to believe you’re a bad person? Who are these liberals of whom you speak? I find myself in a rather “mixed” crowd of friends. A business partner who is pretty conservative, relatives who tend to be conservative, and a good many friends who fall into the “liberal” category. Yes, sometimes I find myself astounded by some of the “far right” viewpoints and particularly some of the things that the past-president says. But only you can make yourself feel bad about who you are. I would say that if you find yourself conflicted because your religious teachings fight with common sense or your sense of decency about how to deal with your fellow man conflicts with certain political views, you need to examine all of this. I know of no “liberals” who try to make you feel bad about who you are! I do know that some of us liberals question the logic and seeming inconsistency in solid Christian tenets as opposed to the allegiance of so many of these same people to the political right and especially Donald Trump. I do not feel bad nor am I made to feel bad about my own political or religious beliefs by the words of others. You may love your God, your family, and your country. Do you love your neighbor as yourself?